Nuru - Eagle in a Green Square.png


Tiny Virtue Hero of Prudence

Nuru is a Balteur EAGLE from Africa.

He is the Tiny Virtue Hero of PRUDENCE

Nuru, the EAGLE, is the Tiny Virtue Hero of PRUDENCE . As an eagle, Nuru sees the big picture all the time, and he looks for the tiny details that matter. Nuru tells the story of an amazing young woman named Alphonsine Mumureke, whom he admires, as an example of virtue-powered prudence. Alphonsie was given a special gift of being a visionary of Our Lady of Kibeho in Africa. She saw the value of love that links us to joy forever with God in heaven as more powerful than any jealousy, anger, or hatred that causes so much pain here on earth.

Nuru’s Virtue Power: PRUDENCE is seeing the BIG picture to choose the greatest good.

Nuru’s Virtue Color: GREEN

Nuru’s Tiny Virtue Hero Team: TEAM PEACE

Nuru’s favorite Spiritual History Story: The story of Guideon whose prudence guided the rebuilding of the nation of Israel during very difficult times.

Nuru’s favorite Bible Virtue Hero: Guideon          

Nuru invites us to pray in a special way for the MISSION VIRTUE Region of AFRICA

Nuru’s favorite MISSION VIRTUE HERO: Alphonsine Mumureke, for whom grace enabled her to use the virtue of prudence to see beyond the conflicts of this life and focus on the JOY of life everlasting.



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