Leon - Chameleon on Red Square.png


Tiny Virtue Hero of Patience

Leon the Chameleon, is a LIZARD

He is the Tiny Virtue Hero of PATIENCE

Leon, the Chameleon LIZARD is the Tiny Virtue Hero of PATIENCE. We imagine Leon as part of an incredible legend about Hermano Pedro in Guatemala. With a word of prayer from Pedro, God’s power turned Leon into a very valuable jeweled lizard, that Pedro gave to help a poor family. Leon had to be very patient and hold very still for a very long time, till God set him free as a living lizard again. Both Leon and Hermano Pedro experienced the virtue-strength of Patience, and how it can open the door to miracles!

Leon’s Virtue Power: PATIENCE to wait in spite of frustration.

Leon’s Virtue Color: RED

Leon’s Tiny Virtue Hero Team: TEAM PEACE

Leon’s favorite Spiritual History Story: The story of young Queen Esther’s patient prayer that saved her whole race of people.

Leon’s favorite Bible Virtue Hero: Esther          

Leon invites us to pray in a special way for the MISSION VIRTUE Region of the AMERICAS

Leon’s favorite MISSION VIRTUE Hero: Hermano Pedro of Guatamela


"And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all." (1 Thessalonians 5:14)

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)

"May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy." (Colossians 1:11)

"My brothers, when you have fallen into various trials, consider everything a joy, knowing that the proving of your faith exercises patience, and patience brings a work to perfection, so that you may be perfect and whole, deficient in nothing." (James 1:2-4)


"Patience is the companion of wisdom." - Augustine

"Patience is the root and guardian of all the virtues." - Pope Gregory I

"The virtue of patience is the one which most assures us of perfection." - Francis de Sales

"If there be a true way that leads to the Everlasting Kingdom, it is most certainly that of suffering, patiently endured." - Colette



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