Wisdom Finds a Way

Amel the camel invites children to appreciate the Jesus JOY of the Nativity as he shares his story of the wisdom of Balthazar and the three kings.


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In addition to shopping with your favorite in-person or online store, you can get a copy of Wisdom Finds a Way from the Perpetual Light Publishing website. Enjoy helpful reviews from Christine Vincent and CatholicMom.com.

The Heroic Way of Wisdom

This book trailer gives viewers a glimpse of the charm, beauty and depth of this refreshing story. Give children a whole new appreciation of virtue, wisdom, and the wisdom figures in all our lives.

Amel the camel invites readers to anticipate finding, loving, and honoring the baby Jesus through the example of the wonderful and wise kings.

Video Interview: Cath-Lit-Live

Author, Amy Cattapan, interviews talented Tiny Virtue Heroes Illustrator, Jeannie Egolf.

Discover Jeannie’s Molly McBride and the Purple Habit Storybook series, and her sparkling gift for creating lively and memorable characters that step off the page and into our hearts.

See the whole menagerie of adorable insects and animals Jeannie is illustrating for the Tiny Virtue Heroes series.

“Beautifully illustrated, Cathy Gilmore’s virtue series continues to delight and captivate the young with this powerful and delightful book. I love it!”
— — Karen Boyce, author of “The Sisters of the Last Straw” series
“Little ones will enjoy traveling with Amel and learning what it means to be wise.”
— — Sr. Leonarda Zielinska, OP, DRE, St. Patrick, Columbus, OH
“It brought tears to my eyes! The story is told with great authenticity and grace. I usually don’t think of camels as being so adorable.”
— — Deb Meister, independent author and editor

Meet Cathy’s other characters who inspire character in children…