Jocktan - Chipmunk on Grey Square.png


Tiny Virtue Hero of Charity

Joktan ”JT” is a Chipmunk.

He is the Tiny Virtue Hero of CHARITY

Joktan was a very greedy chipmunk who became the Tiny Virtue Hero of CHARITY by listening as Jesus spoke to the crowd about His kingdom. Joktan’s admires the former tax collector, the apostle Matthew, whose virtue-strong and generous heart of charity. Joktan discovered that we live like a king, not by having more, but when we think of all that we have as something that is ours… to give away. 

Joktan’s Virtue Power: CHARITY is the love that motivates generosity

Joktan’s Virtue Color: SILVER/GREY

Joktan’s Tiny Virtue Hero Team: TEAM LIGHT

Joktan’s favorite Spiritual History Story: The day when Jesus spoke to thousands of families to whom he miraculously gave bread and  

Joktan’s favorite Bible Virtue Hero: Matthew the Apostle          

Joktan invites us to pray in a special way for the MISSION VIRTUE Region of EUROPE

Joktan’s favorite MISSION VIRTUE Hero: Elizabeth of Hungary


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