Durie - Donkey on Grey Square.png


Tiny Virtue Hero of Integrity

Duriel, known as “Durie,” is a DONKEY.

He is the Tiny Virtue Hero of INTEGRITY

Durie the old donkey is the Tiny Virtue Hero of INTEGRITY. We imagine Durie watching through a window as Jesus was crowned with thorns. He doesn’t understand why the soldiers are so mean to Jesus and make fun of Him, and put a crown on Him… pointy side down. He notices the virtue-strength of Jesus who continues to behave with dignity and goodness, even when He is bullied, mocked and treated so badly. Jesus inspired Durie to behave with goodness, even when he is treated badly too.

Durie also admires the integrity of Veronica who courageously came forward to show kindness and friendship to Jesus, no matter the danger to herself.

Durie’s Virtue Power: INTEGRITY is consistently trying to be and do good, even when it is difficult.

Durie’s Virtue Color: SILVER/GREY

Durie’s Tiny Virtue Hero Team: TEAM HONOR

Durie’s favorite Spiritual History Story: When Jesus was mocked and “crowned” with thorns and never stopped behaving with dignity and love.

Durie’s favorite Bible Virtue Hero: Veronica, the friend of Jesus          

Durie invites us to pray in a special way for the MISSION VIRTUE Region of EUROPE

Durie’s favorite MISSION VIRTUE Hero: Joan of Arc, France         


Tanton the Ant


Yadi the Dog