Barb - Barbel_Carp Fish in Grey Square.png


Tiny Virtue Hero of JUSTICE

Barb is a species of Carp, called a Barbel FISH,

She is the Tiny Virtue Hero of JUSTICE

Barb, the carp, is the Tiny Virtue Hero of JUSTICE. She is a shy, but fierce, fish who cares about lifting up the lowly. Listening to Jesus preach on the Sea of Galilee, Barb was inspired by the way His words and actions seemed to always find a way lift up the lowly…who were poor, sick, sad, or lonely. Barb admired the way Jesus’ dear friends Martha and Mary worked with quiet love to care for those in need who came to Jesus for help.

Barb’s Virtue Power: JUSTICE is lifting up the lowly.

Barb’s Virtue Color: SILVER/GREY

Barb’s Tiny Virtue Hero Team: TEAM GRACE

Barb’s favorite Spiritual History Story: The story of Jesus’ sermon on the mount where He explained the Beatitudes.

Barb’s favorite Bible Virtue Hero: Martha and Mary, friends of Jesus          

Barb invites us to pray in a special way for the MISSION VIRTUE Region of EUROPE

Barb’s favorite MISSION VIRTUE Heroes: Leonie and Terese Martin of France



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