Heroic Virtue Lifestyle Check Up

In preparation for a “Heroic Virtue Event” at St. Jude Parish in Illinois, I’m reflecting on how each family can do a big of a diagnostic on their lifestyle. (I’m happy to bring this multi-generational “Virtue as a Lifestyle” event for your parish or group too! ) Let’s consider the connection between our cultural lifestyle choices and the struggle we may be having in our own lives to achieve something remotely close to holiness…and also in the lives of our children and grand children.

Event poster graphic for St. Jude Parish

Event poster for the event at St. Jude Parish

Heroic Virtue Lifestyle Check Up

Reflect on how you might answer the following questions. Perhaps God is calling you to be more intentional about your lifestyle choices so the heroic virtue has more influence and opportunity to grow strong in you and your children.

Do I desire holiness? 

Do I desire Virtue? 

Do I create an atmosphere in my family to inspire these desires in others?

What is getting in the way?

Sins of COMMISSION? What have I done that showed my desires are self-serving?

Sins of OMISSION? What have I left undone, or avoided, or ignored because my desires are self-serving?

Take a moment to thoughtfully pray this prayer…the emphasis in it - on both the things we do AND the things we don’t do - is important.

The Confiteor (I Confess)

I confess to almighty God

and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned

in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done,

and in what I have failed to do;

through my fault, through my fault,

through my most grievous fault;

therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,

all the Angels and Saints,

and you, my brothers and sisters,

to pray for me to the Lord our God.

More questions to ponder:

How do I spend my time? 

What portion of my day is spent on screens or passively consuming entertainment?

What does that look like for my kids or grandkids?

What kind of BOOKS do I read? What books do my kids read? 

Do any of them contain content that honors or includes God?  Or honors his moral design for humanity?

What kinds of MOVIES do I watch?

Are they consistently empty of edifying content or themes? Are they increasingly “R” rated and am I getting increasingly numb to the presence of morally toxic themes and content…just considering it “normal”. Do I ever seek out films that build up marriage and family or God and faith?

How about the video content my kids or grand kids watch?

What kind of MUSIC do I listen to?

Is it something just with a fun beat - for which I tune out and don’t consider the lyrics? Do I look for music that affirms the value of faith and virtue…either by choosing music that omits the toxic lyrics, or by actively choosing music that helps me sing about goodness, truth and beauty?

I hope these Virtue Lifestyle Check-up questions are helpful to you. The influence of our entertainment choices in our family lifestyle can not be understated.

We are what we eat. Gradually, our values, morals and lifestyle are powerfully influenced and shaped by the culture we consume and immerse ourselves in.

Once you assess your situation…prayerfully consider upping your game.

Choosing to intentionally harness your desires is BIG first step!

God calls us to LOVE with our whole heart, soul, strength and mind.

The more deeply we love God, the more we are disposed we are to have holiness, virtue, and heaven as our heart’s desire.

The Tiny Virtue Heroes and www.VirtueSearch.com are being created to help families in this process.

Stay connected here to get more help on your journey to the heroic virtue and holiness.



Protecting the Heart of Virtue: Free Will